No dangerous open flames!
No costly start up and maintenance fees!
No hassle of CO2 tank replacement!
No hazardous gas burning!
No plant damaging heat production!
The ingredients in CO2 Boost are 100% all-natural and harmless. Once your bucket has expired, use the remaining ingredients as high grade fertilizer!
NOTE from an Expert called JAY – The CO2 Boost bucket kit will about triple the available CO2 in a 4′ x 5′ area, which is not up to optimal 1500ppm that you’d get with an emitter system and a tank, but it’s three times as good as what’s in the air now. You’d notice the increased growth rate if you added it to your growing area. If you went with the only CO2 Pucks, you’d end up spending more in the long run, as they are pretty pricey when you have to add one every day. The pucks are easy to use, and they really do make some CO2 for the plants, but if you’re interested in seeing the long term effects of CO2 on your plants, the CO2 Boost Bucket Kit is the perfect way to go without spending a ton of money. The best part is that it will keep making CO2 for two months, so you don’t even have to think about it once you’ve got it up and running.
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